لیست پیشنهادات شکلک

شماره پیشنهادنام پروپوزالشکلک
L2/07-257Working Draft Proposal for Encoding Emoji Symbols (Associated tables in ZIP file)742
L2/09-026Emoji Symbols Proposed for New Encoding742
L2/09-114Towards an encoding of symbol characters used as emoji (WG2 N3607)80
L2/09-153Emoji ad-hoc meeting report (WG2 N3636)7
L2/09-336UTC #121 / L2 #218 Motions6
L2/09-379Proposal to encode Regional Indicator Symbols248
L2/10-025Emoji ad-hoc meeting report 2009-10-27 (WG2 N3726)2
L2/10-142Summary of repertoire for future amendment of ISO/IEC 10646:2011 (WG2 N3834)13
L2/11-037Proposal to encode three additional emoticons (WG2 N3982; replaces L2/10-429)2
L2/11-052Wingdings and Webdings symbols - Preliminary study (revised)132
L2/11-149Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings symbols1
L2/11-196Revised Wingdings proposal (WG2 N4022) (see also L2/11-247)1
L2/12-128Draft repertoire for DAM1 of ISO/IEC 10646:2012 (WG2 N4244)1
L2/12-275Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 4228, ISO/IEC 10646: 2012/PDAM 2, Amendment 24
L2/13-150Draft repertoire for FDAM2 of ISO/IEC 10646:2012 (3rd edition) (WG2 N4458)3
L2/13-207Which characters should have emoji-style by default?41
L2/14-093Working Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji (snapshot)26
L2/14-154Report on Diversity Emoji Use in iDiversicons and Proposal to Add New Emoji from iDiversicons Collection to Unicode (revised)5
L2/14-173Variation selectors for Emoji skin tone (revised)196
L2/14-174Emoji Additions (revised)80